St. Simon the Apostle follows the Indiana Academic Standards, as well as standards from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Our students are actively engaged in the learning process. A variety of materials and resources are used to support the curriculum, including technology and study trips.
Kindergarten children visit Conner Prairie in the fall to compare children and families in the past with those of today. The children also learn how weather affects people and the environment. The Kindergarten classes visit Westminster Village as part of their on-going service to our community. The children make cards and crafts to take to the residents. During the visits, they play games and do crafts with the residents and perform songs and poems to entertain them. In the spring, the Kindergarten classes visit an Indianapolis Park and Nature Center to learn about animals and plants that are native to Indiana. The children compare and contrast the animals and their habitats. This trip provides information for a research project. each child completes. Another on-site tradition in the spring is the Kindy 500. All Kindergartners “race” around the track and celebrate the victory of completing Kindergarten!
First grade:
In the fall, our first grade students visit a working farm as they learn about how food gets from the farm to the table. During the Christmas season, 1st grade students learn about the past while visiting the President Benjamin Harrison home. Whle learning about healthy bodies, students participate in activities at the National Institute for Fitness and Sports (NIFS). An additional study trip to the Eagle Creek Discovery Center occurs in the spring where students learn about animals, habitats and adaptations. A culminating trip to the Fort Benjamin Harrison Park takes place in May. Students participate in a day-long camp adventure called, Camp-Learn- A Lot. First grade students fish, take nature walks, make rosaries and try their hand at archery. Camp Learn- A- Lot is a fantastic, first grade tradition!
Second grade:
In addition to a variety of academic enrichments, second grade students begin preparing to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. This is an exciting time for students and families as they learn more about their faith and begin their walk with Christ.
Third grade:
The third grade students tour downtown Indianapolis and the State House. While downtown, they learn about our state' history and facts about the State House. They also travel to the Indiana State Museum to participate in a rocks and minerals workshop. In the spring, 3rd grade students learn what happens to our garbage by investigating the Southside Landfill and Greenhouse. Who knew garbage and recycling could be so interesting? For their service project, third grade students collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.
Fourth grade:
Fourth grade students design and create home-made rosaries to use while praying for the special intentions of students, staff and families. One of the highlights of fourth grade is learning about the lives of saints. Students research a specific saint, dress up in his/her likeness and present information on All Saints Day. In addition to learning about a variety of saints, they travel to St. Mary of the Woods to learn about Indiana's only saint - Mother Theodore Guerin. Fourth Grade students also participate in an overnight trip to Camp Tecumseh to continue learning about Indiana history.
Fifth grade:
Fifth grade students participate in a simulation city and government while attending BizTown. They have first hand experiences producing, selling products, getting a paycheck, working as a team, and managing a checking account. In the fall, students travel to Eagle Creek Park and observe the Birds of Prey show, as well as go on a nature walk to observe examples of decomposition. Kindergarten and 5th Grade Buddies go to Sparta for a unique field trip experience, which includes boxing. Students learn how to build self-confidence, positively influence peers with good leadership techniques, safety, and anti-bullying training.