St. Simon the Apostle has a strong commitment to academic excellence and providing a rigorous curriculum to students in Preschool through 8th grade. Our students receive instruction in literacy, math, science, social studies, religion, Spanish, art, physical education, music, technology and media literacy, band and choir, St. Simon continually assesses the needs of the students and the programs it offers to provide a strong environment that inspires and motivates the students to be life-long learners.
St. Simon the Apostle School implements and analyzes a multitude of assessment tools for monitoring student progress. Annual asseLEARN assments from the Indiana Department of Education such as I and I-READ are used as criterion-referenced data points. Additionally, students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade participate in fall, winter and spring NWEA testing for Reading, Math and Language Usage. Reading levels are assessed twice a year using Developmental Reading Assessments (DRA) for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The data collected from the assessments drives the instructional strategies, programs, professional development, and curriculum for students and teachers.